I quite loathe Elon Musk. When He took over x-twatter, I was hoping the shadow ban would be lifted from My account. Nope. It got worse, despite My requests to have it taken off. Now, with 1,700 followers and lots of hashtags, I get virtually zero interactions on every post I make.

Then He came out of a car wearing a "devil's defender" (I think that was the name) costume, with His mother (who I am told had admitted to being a satanist - unknown if true) and it was so achingly clear that She is His handler...

I knew He was controlled op for sure. And He wants to plug tech in Our skulls - making Us meat robots? I give that high probability.

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Elon is already part of the neural interface agenda underway... actually, almost complete. Every company he "runs" is integrated in this Transition. For instance, Starlink is the photonic superhighway for the quantum age, the bandwidth to communicate between your mind and the cloud to harvest your mind and your conciousness... and maybe leave you as a biological android... maybe...


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Very true!

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Elon is just another groomed billionaire in the Billionaires Boys Club with a long, rich bloodline doing the dirty deeds of the Black Nobility who control the world's governments, banks, Technocrats, Satanists, Freemasons, Illuminati, Bilderbergs, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, the UN, Council on Foreign Relations, et al.

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Elon = Bill Gates = phony baloney

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Wow! He comes from a long line of “Absolutely no good for anyone or anything!” He should go to mars,......to live

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Thank you for the history especially about Technocracy Incorporated. Reminds me of some of the things in, "That Hideous Strength" by C.S,Lewis though I'm only a partial of the way through that book.

"Scientists" run amok.

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