Shawn, what blue light filters are you liking these days?

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I really like this company, Reflectacles. Broadest coverage. Good prices. Anti-facial recognition.


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I had a question about 5G and GO => rGO conversion. 5G uses many different frequency bands, in my country the main frequencies used for 5G seem to be 2,5GHz and 3,4 - 3,8GHz. Millimeter bands (> 24GHz) haven't yet been really been deployed (hopefully never will be). My question is, which range of 5G frequencies in particular make the GO electrically active ? Can the 5G low frequency bands activate GO ? Is it just a question of high frequency / power ? I've read many CIN posts where you talk about this and the main takeaway for me was "4G can't activate GO because it uses lower frequencies". Thank you.

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Anything off the power grid activates GO. 50ish Hz. The point of 5G is to harvest the power grid and broadcast 50Hz. The tech that allows that, is called solenoids. 3G and 4G have also been retrofitted.


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I can’t help but think that turning off the power to your bedroom at night, as well as the WiFi, would be a good start so you’re not “feeding” the f-wittery.

Don’t sleep with your phone in the room. Better still, Faraday bag it, in another room.

Ground yourself on the Earth, with bare feet if you can. Sleep with a grounding set up.

There are web sites that sell clothing, canopies, shielding material, to mitigate EMF, etc. LessEMF.com.

And seriously consider following Shawn’s well thought out strategies. He won’t spoon feed you. Just read his stuff and you’ll learn what works and, more importantly, what PROMOTES the tech! And a lot of it is from Frontline doctors!

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Thank you Shawn, i had missed that post.

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Cold Laser Scalar is apparently scalar in name only. It is terrahertz/photon based therapy. More likely to activate luciferase than deactivate anything. On one hand may reduce inflammation, on other hand activate nano. That is ruthless marketing, as much as it is misleading.

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So your machine is fkng useless lol. Nice advertisement

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Excuse me? The C1 Blushield covers the entire EMF spectrum. I don't know of another device that does that. 6G is infrared/infralight. That requires another form of mitigation that we discuss thoroughly in the deactivation paper. You need to be mitigating blue/green light from phones and tv's, LED lighting, most medical equipment, ... Even when/if 6G rolls out, if people are even alive to witness that?, there will still be EMF's to deal with.

The major takaway should be; "Since the C1 Cube from Blushield covers the entire EMF spectrum, you will never need another device to protect from EMF induced magnetic field poisoning." Which is great advertising.

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So it’s good till it’s not. Back to the drawing board Shawn

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One device is not going to mitigate EMF's and Photons, you must be scientifically illiterate. Photons are light, it's a whole different thing than EMF's, but you must already know that if you have time to come and get up my butt.

Hell, you need two methods of mitigation currently. One for EMF's and One for Infralight... and later on, we'll talk about Phonons, Infrasound... tell me, how are you going to mitigate against that?

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No data. Asking customers to send data. That’s what we are relying on here for a $2000 device. It is hopeless.

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Who said no data? We have lots of data. Why are you intentionally mischaracterizing me? We want to increase the data sets to hormones from the standard blood sets. I think it's a good idea and keeps us moving forward. That is what this is, no? A pursuit.

Now, give me time to review your posts and see what you have contributed to getting us the fuck out of this existential situation.

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You reference the "tests the people can do at home" article. I am letting people know how they can know for themselves the device is working. Somthing under their control. There is a certain insincerity to your posts, no?

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Just doubt.basically Every supplement has been compromised. Third party independent data. Reading my posts I can see why you’ve become upset. No device is going to stop what’s happening. It seems to me that accepting reality Anne developing conscious awareness of one’s thoughts and emotions is the only island left. Our bodies are going to be controlled to a certain extent, also our thoughts and behaviors. I happen to believe our conscious awareness lies independent of our minds and bodies and that this is what we will experience as life as this rolls out and develops. It’s why I believe suicide will be the cause of mass death as people who are not aware that their consciousness lies outside this realm will not have any respite from this attack

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Nov 3, 2023
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What are you talking about?

EMFs are 0Hz to GHz which are electromagnetic waves/radiation.

Terrahertz are photons or light.

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seems hopelss. I don’t know if we can’t wake people up or if the reason the fromtline is not talking about fhis is because their lives are being threatened, what can we do?

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Frontline Doctors are not being threatened. Nobody is being threatened. They are in on it or just blinded by the system.

Personally, I'm not a big picture guy in the sense that I am not on here to wake people up. I've been doing this long enough that I know not everyone is going to make it.

Unless there is a personal/individual journey to the knowledge, there is no "waking up". There will also be no waking up for these trolls that spend all day on other peoples substacks posting for attention. Scrolling and posting and desperate for another endorphin rush.

What will you do?

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I don’t know. I already suffer from lyme & mold & my daughter is vax injured.

My family doesn’t believe me. Most people are completely unaware.

The ones that do survive- what happens to them?

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I'm not on here to get philosophical, I am just reporting on the science as I have researched it. I don't know what is going to happen to everyone else, but I sure as hell am going to die human.

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You do NOT want the answer to THAT question ..... Just trust me on THAT. There are worse things than death.

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This is insanity & so beyond the realm of comprehension for the “simple-minded” such as myself. Clearly I’ve been doing everything wrong with supplements, etc. I guess we’re all fucked unless there is divine intervention. I mean seriously, this is interesting but ridiculous at the same time. Hell, this chatter is enough to cause people to end it all. May as well just enjoy some of the fake good things for whatever it’s worth.

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The path to the Divine Awakening requires little of you. You need to raise your Higher Consciousness by:

1. knowledge (know thy enemy, ...),

2. express free will (have purpose) and

3. do nothing. (be empathy, rest when not expressing will, reflect, take a walk, hug a lover, ... don't try to control things you cannot, and don't get into futile endeavors like "waking people up".)

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Thanks for that excellent reminder, Shawn.

Let’s not forget that, at the heart of it all, we’re here to “hone the spiritual blade”. Let’s give ourselves extra credit for being here now in these incredibly challenging times to do just that

We WILL transcend this and get out of here still Human, as you say, sir!

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This comment is worth pinning at top of your stack

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That's I thing? I'll figure out how to pin now.

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Nov 3, 2023
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For someone who didn't have time to do their own research this morning, you sure have a lot of time to comment on my page.

EMF's are electric currents

Photons are light

Phonons are sound

EMF's are measures with a gaussmeter. And phonons are measured with a spectrometer. And phonons are measured with inelastic neutron scattering (INS) or inelastic X-ray scattering (IXS).


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