This segment is part of the larger story about how Transhumanists are bringing about their Singularity utilizing 5G, Graphene Oxide, mRNA technology.. and your FEAR. I encourage you to take “GQD Particle: The Transhumanism Quantum Agenda” from the top. SPM
The high Electromagnetic Frequencies EMFs not only cause cancer and autoimmune disease, they also spin Oxygen molecules making them unavailable to Red Blood Cells that transport oxygen in the body. The body responds by producing more RBC but eventually runs out of iron stores.
EMF induced oxygen spinning leads to the production of immature RBC devoid of iron molecules that cannot absorb oxygen and the body becomes Hypoxic or “low oxygen”. 1 2
This then leads to the production of “free radicals” in your body that causes inflammation, infection, and disease.3
In those individuals that are vaccinated, swabbed or infected, spike protein production will cause blood vessel damage and the accumulation of immature red blood cells will result in clotting issues. Furthermore 5G exposure will induce a condition called the “Rouleaux Effect” in the blood causing clots to form. 4 5
Long-term oxygen deprivation will result in the development of Cancer. “Deprive a cell (of) 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous.”; Dr. Otto Warburg
How are these Magnetic Fields being harvested or produced? There are only two ways of producing a Magnetic Field; the first is by a Solenoid, and the second by a Solenoid with an Iron core in it. 6
Since 5G towers are attached to the power grid, the Electric Field present allows for the creation of Magnetic Waves. Electric Fields are created by electric charges. For instance, if you statically charge up a balloon by rubbing it on your hair, the balloon creates an Electric Field. Magnetic Fields are created by magnets and solenoids are electromagnets, it acts as a magnet only when an electric current is passed through and thus able to produce “Magnetic Fields.” 7
Why is this significant?
Magnetic Fields produce what are called Extremely Low Frequencies or ELFs. These ELF waves can travel great distances and cover vast surfaces. To target individusls the ELFs are combined with a high Electromagnetic Frequency EMF you now have what is called a “Modulating wave” (a high EMF and a low ELF) capable of travelling 1,500 meters directly to your phone, router, EV that acts like a directed energy weapon to target individuals.
This is how they distributed ELFs in Rwanda that turned Rwandans into machete yielding savages responsible for the genocide of over 1 million people! Behaviour modification is real! 8
For those of you still in doubt, research the science behind Nikola Tesla who proved that electrical energy was never lost in a system and could be converted into other forms of energy such as “Magnetic Fields” (low ELFs) or “Microwaves” (high EMFs) that are found in “Directed Energy Weapons.”
Indeed both High and Low Frequencies can be formed and all that is required is an electric power grid! Here are a few pictures showing the California fires that occurred in 2018 and how DEW’s were responsible for the fires. 9
Can you see what happened to the cars directly under a hydro line? Yes, hydro lines can be used as weapons! 10
The 5G Towers contain a “CoVFeFe Box” containing “solenoids” consisting of Cobalt (Co), Vanadium (V) and Iron (Fe); all the constituents required to make “Magnetic Fields.”
Here is the 5G Patent itself filed May 7, 2019 and approved on October 29, 2019 just a few days before the infamous Trump “CoVeFeFe” tweet! 11 It describes the placement of 5G Towers on 2G, 3G and 4G Towers as well as light poles, buildings, EV cars, GPS, solar gateways etc. Additionally it describes how there are “built in” “microprocessors” which help to regulate and emit both high EMFs and low ELFs required in “Modulating Waves”. 12
The “CoVFeFe” Solenoids are harvesting and transmitting from the power grid the delivery system of ELF’s necessary to destroy your health and more importantly, modify your behavior! 13
Elon Musk’s satellites also contain a similar system for absorbing “Magnetic Fields” from their Low Earth Orbit in the Ionosphere. These satellites are dependent on ground stations for energy delivery which are currently attached to our Power Grid. Its purpose is to provide a link between Earth and space directly to the satellites. Ground stations use radio waves in Extremely High Frequency Bands to communicate with devices in space. 14
Both Cell Towers and Satellites deliver “Directed Beams” to their targets: cell phone, router, internet, antenna, etc. We do not believe the NWO will use a “blanket wave delivery” approach in emitting EMFs or ELFs (although we know the Chinese have that capacity).
A “blanket wave delivery” approach would irradiate everything in its path including human, animal and plant life and the NWO will not kill their own members. Power lines and the grid itself is the energy conduit used in these Weapons of Mass Destruction.
FYI: There is a “delay time” with LEO Satellite (which are used for communications), the propagation delay from the Earth terminal to the satellite could be as long as 120 ms. For a packet to be transmitted to the satellite and back to the Earth terminal, a delay of 240 ms is expected.
This also includes cell phones, earbuds, laptops, Bluetooth, any Wi-Fi device, GPS, EVs with built in antennas, CoVFeFe gonna make you go BOOM! You only have 240 ms to run while your body’s Graphene Oxide antenna communicates with the Satellite!
This is what Klaus Schwab was referring to when he stated that in the New World it will be the “fast fish that will eat the slow fish.”, and the NWO is indeed the “fast fish.”
This is one of many instances where someone trying to throw us off the scent actually leads us to deeper understanding. Shortly after we released the CORONA/5G paper, many “anons” from the MAGA/Q cult approached us to tell us that Donald Trump took care of things. Remember this?
They informed us that something called CoVFeFe was installed in 5G masts that sends out signals of love and harmony, canceling out the negative effects of transmitted ELF’s. The true meaning of the CoVFeFe tweets, they said.
Turns out, the truth is the complete opposite. The CoVFeFe IS the Directed Energy Weapon! It uses 5G EMFs to target individuals.
Don’t be a victim of 5G and Graphene Oxide Nanotechnology, protect yourself with Scalar Wave Technology with Blushield EMF Protection. NO FEAR.
I have said it before…. CovFeFe was the clue that 5G is the enemy! It infuriated me that Trump waved that truth before the world without an explanation.
He was mocking us.
I’m telling you, I’m beginning to believe that I can actually HEAR THE BUZZING! It’s constant and it’s getting worse and more penetratingly loud, though it’s not in the normal frequency bands of human hearing acuity. I don’t care if anyone calls me a whacko... I’m actually a physicist and I know much about what I speak. I’m 68. I used to think we were literally bathed in electromagnetic radiation from many unintentional and sometimes unknown sources. Now we’ve been BOMBARDED with a whole spectrum of extremely high energy and high frequency radiation quite intentionally. I don’t recall ever being asked for any input or even an opinion about this. The rich 🤑 are still waiting for the actual wealth to arrive. Someone once said “If you ever win a billion dollars you had best become a billionaire fast, lest you lose all the money”. These idiots don’t understand