Really good find on that patent, still reading but has a whole lot in it

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Vitaliano patents are golden!

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Hey Shawn, checking a lot of boxes, they do, i am wondering i know you have searched patents before with Vitaliano - could you have missed this one before or are they just allowing it now to be seen.? what do you think? i feel like they hold certain of them or do not file in many cases for certain advanced, obviously they redacted a lot on this one, i don't remember seeing a lot of redacted patents

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This guy, Shawn Paul Melville, deserves millions of dollars in Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other valuables (not worthless fiat currency) thrown at him for sharing such valuable information. May God richly bless you and loved ones. Thank you.

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Here, here! At minimum, become a paid subscriber!

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You do realize their ability to shuffle the game pieces brains anytime and under any narrative makes this look impossible. All in this USA are game pieces. But and this is a big but, we have a hell of a lot of solid evidence of torture, abuse and the you know ,the much worse. Now if someone is putting this evidence together that would be great. I have a Farm in Eastern Oregon and 20 miles from my place 3 people were chopped up into pieces and spread over 100 acres including appendages hung up in trees. I’m pretty sure how it went down as this area because of left coast protections is a playground for alphabet agencies rouges. Of course the fake narrative BS investigation is akin to the Vegas shooting, all bullshit. Lots more as I’ve been in a program 20 yrs. 6 years Havana Syndrome and probably neural linked 10+. Yea we got the goods but is anyone driving for the hoop. I got in prog. because Oxy addicted feds thought it would be fun to play match maker with my Wife. Know why ID is a hotspot. I got divorced there with me dropping affidavits.

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Yikes, Robert. Were the bodies found the result of cartel activity? Or were they innocents?

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They are turning us into Frankenstein Monsters!

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"Interaction, control, and regulation of cellular processes, like endocytosis, exocytosis, mitosis, trafficking and signaling, communication between cells, receptor upregulation and downregulation, other cellular behaviors, and the like."

Vitaliano calls it "green" nanotechnology that can penetrate your brain within 30 minutes!


Definition: Green nanotechnology refers to the use of nanotechnology to enhance the environmental sustainability of processes producing negative externalities (ie. Pollution)... Humans are biological polluters requiring biological transformation?

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yes they are so psychopathic and arrogant not only do they think that way, they put it on paper

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