hiya great article. I'm a great believer in that WE are the only ones in control of our mind (unless we dont think for ourselves and use the mind or give our power away) If we're not chosing our thoughts wisely all day everyday its not going to be good, therefore you must.

our mind is either our greatest asset or our worst energy - which is it you chose. No choice is a choice and you will be swept up by collective consciousness (oh noooo you dont wanna go there)

something else I've used for years now are positive cancelling emotions - they work great, similar to what you mention cancelling out the negative and destructive ones

every single cell and all water in our brain and body vibrates at particular frequencies and to our frequencies (what we speak of, what we think how we feel) effects it all. the good news is that it can also be fooled into feeling whatever you wish just by thinking and seeing it - it doesn't know the difference between what is imagined or what is real

mind is author body is the script whatever we instruct it to do, with repetition it will follow those instructions to that latter. note - it will also follow the most used neutral pathways too and your repeated thoughts or fears based on your beliefs, perceptions and perspectives. we really are on auto pilot unless we are chosing and keep chosing. if you want to change something - dont look at it dont give it any attention (that will never work) as I've discovered with all the mind stuff I've come up with myself, quite a few through using alternative therapies on myself with awareness you see exactly what is going on. Mind is the most powerful thing on the planet when used correctly, there is nothing it cannot be do or have. I discovered through meridian psychotherapy on myself when I was tapping to remove one thing it placed something right back in its place

I then came to the conclusion you CANNOT remove something without mind being that bloody amazing it just places something same or similar back there you cannot leave a void

You can never get rid of anything by stating so (or you're attracting more of it) by stating so you are placing it straight back there claiming you want it by law of attraction - I was using that for years without even knowing just by placing only wanted things there. Just keep placing there ONLY what IS desired and continue doing so past the point of getting

here are the positive cancelling emotions I use them in my healing circle

love, gratitude, relief, relaxation, calmess, easygoingness, joy, pleasure, peace, happiness, harmony, laughter, contentment & pleasure. they all carry a high vibration and if you sit quietly for a few minutes taking slow deep breaths repeating them slowly you will feel them. donna eden energy medicine (I studied a few years back) is same with electro magnetic instruction also tracing the meridian lines etc. the energy always follows your hands. You can also calm triple warmer and strengthen spleen by placing one hand around your arm just above elbow like you're crossing your arms like you're crossing your arms and hugging yourself (why not) and the other where you bra line would be at the opposite side (and fella's I'm sure you know where that is even if you dont wear one !!!) I challenge you to sit quietly doing that and stating with each long breath I am calm, another I am relieved I am relaxed - it is impossible not to be when you are fully present. Besides it is ONLY mind that is fooling you into thinking otherwise anyway. for when you are present you are already all those things its not something you do its something you already are

have you listened to this video today there are some really helpful natural alternative stuff in it and quite a few interesting things with regards to removing graphene. it also mentions in it the video below it as well. its dangerous where one can go with it all. But the good news is we can always go one step further - power versus force, remember which always wins !!!!!

quite a few of the things you've mentioned are covered in the videos

WHO Whistle-blower : CERN Releasing Demons From Portals & Time Manipulation


one below does get somewhat boring but there are some things in there and you can see where it could be taken

Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and War


personally I only chose higher vibrating energy to resonate and what I send out daily is the same for for all and for the highest good of all !!! light and love x x

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wooops thats supposed to say calmness. I forgot 2 other positive cancelling emotions - good grace and good will !!

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Ever noticed how "our" global "leaders" are never elected by the citizens, but just foisted upon us?

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"the global leaders of tomorrow” is what Klaus called his Young Global Leaders program up to about 2004.

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Global Leaders of Tomorrow to Young Global Leaders... is there a difference?

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Not sure. What does Komosol mean?

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Sorry, you will NEVER be one with God, the Most High, Creator of heaven and earth unless you are BORN AGAIN or “born from above” by the Holy Spirit of God who comes and dwells in a person’s temple.

And this ONLY happens if you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord of your life.

And that happens by confessing and forsaking all of your sins to Him and surrender your life to Him.

He recognises a persons heart of surrender and humility and then will come into that person and make His Spirit, His home in your temple, your body.

That is HOW you become ONE with God. Not just believing and saying positive things.

No, you must be BORN AGAIN of Father God’s Holy Spirit Jesus Christ said. That is the ONLY WAY to oneness with God and entrance into to His Heavenly kingdom rhelm.

The ONLY WAY is thru Christ Jesus. That is the ONLY way Father God provided for oneness with Him, and being a part of His Kingdom which is not of this world.

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Excellent read…thank you! ☀️

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The longevity agenda works hand-in-glove with the depop agenda. This is the right path, but for me its gonna require I shut this beast off and find happiness where I reside. I feel it imminently.

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Thank you for the inspiration. I'm following you via Paulette Coates. I'm using some of your modalities. I test them all out until I figure out the minimum required to thrive. Mantras are very powerful. :)

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You got IT, Shawn - do you know TheRasha.com and Dr. Jere Riviera?

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Indeed I do, he was part of the Council of Nine. I have something unpublished about him somewhere...

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Here we go, brother ~ i am a Guardian of the Rasha

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Does that mean you possess a Rasha?

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Dr Jere Rivera who holds the patent for the RASHA was a student of Ashaya Dean who was a student of JJ Hurtak from the CIA's COUNCIL OF NINE group... which was started by Dr. Andreija Puharich... aka The father of the MATRIX! The COUNCIL OF NINE was funded by the CIA and they implemented the UFO Psyop under the New Age Movement which was previously called MAJESTYTWELVE exposed by William Cooper! He was later murdered because of this! FYI: This is now called the BLUEBEAM PROJECT and the alien invasion that will come is NOT REAL but a means to unite the global population to fight against an alien invasion all fabricated by the military and holograms in the sky! The world will unite under ONE RELIGION!

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Wow, quite a lot of disclosure here! I didn’t know that Ashayana Deane was a student of Hurtak.

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There is quite a bit of unpublished material that we'd still like to see the light of day.

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Yes, and a Kaqun Tub to treat Hypoxia

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