Why They think They have the right to make that "choice" for Us is beyond Me. Well... Maybe not. They are power-hungry psychopaths looking to control Us 100%. And I think We should solve for that problem.

The Simplicity of Ethics (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-simplicity-of-ethics

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I wonder if this is why many cities are moving to fiber optics for the internet? I think ( don’t quote me) that the smart cities will use fiber optics instead of the towers. Fiber optics use light as their power source. I think they call it “ Lifi” as opposed to Wifi?

They just installed it recently in my neighborhood and it got me thinking of course, as to the “why”. I also wonder too, if this is the reason attention is being brought to the dangers of 5G cell towers now. Whereas, there wasn’t as widespread interest in it before.

Now it seems, the danger of cell towers is becoming more mainstream 🤔 I think they even market it as “safer” that the 5G towers. Hmmm….

Does that Bluetooth Scalar Wave cube protect from fiber optics?

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Oh boy, more Buck Rogers this morning and still no legal and strategic plan to put an end to it. As intelligent as Shawn is, when it comes to "smart", he's a clueless as a goat in a snowstorm!

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“Put an end to it”? You seem to be out of your depths on the gravity of the situation and how far along it is. Even if Blushield offers a modicum of protection, there will be no hiding from the technology being imposed on humanity. What do you propose “to put an end to it”?

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NObody can be harvested in a high state of conciousness. I will die human.

And while Blushield will not protect me from DEWs or ultimately the skin being vaporized from my bones, at least it affords me room to keep me in my higher state of being... we don't criticze infantry men wearing armor, even though they are going to end up shot...

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I’d prefer to be right there with you. I didn’t intend to criticize

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I did not see what you said as criticism, just some frustration... And I've felt that too.

I just know, as I've worked through this material, I found peace.

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Both of you are like everybody! You don't think in victory. You think as a victim, and you Shawn seem to be quite intelligent but you don't talk about the legal strategic offense, like the boycott brand of it a number of Americans adopted in 02/2022 against Disney and which led to Disney losing more than $200 billion in market cap.

I started my boycott of Disney in 1995, 29 years ago, of Hollywood in 1986, of major airlines in 1988, of local new about '95, MSM by 2000, Levi Strauss & Co in 08/1975. Since 2005 I've boycotted Ford after having been a raving Ford truck fan since '94. Since '05 I bought 18 new trucks and one SUV and not a one of them was a Ford. That's more than $1 million in MSRPs by a single American.

So what are you going to do to save your Republic, simply save yourself from nanotech and die in a FEMA camp or worse.

We need 79 Million Trump voters, and I'm not one, to immediately start boycotting the 200+ work corporations I personally boycott right now. What's mutually exclusive about that with anything else legal we might do?

It takes fewer than 30 seconds to sign a boycott petition when you have a url just like this one:


That's the strategic offense, so read it.

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You are living authentically, kudos, but the blind spot for Trump is a huge hole in your plan. There are no saviors.

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Honestly Shawn, I’m also at peace, and your work has had a helping hand in it. I’m coming from the higher consciousness realm to all of this (yoga, pranayama, meditation and Kirtan, specifically) and what you say and have researched completely resonates for me. I wish I could afford Blushield to know for myself. I’ve done what I can to mitigate EMFR at this point. I’m miles away from a 5G tower and have truly noticed a difference in how I feel when I’m forced to be in a city/suburb. Your work has ruffled some feathers on SS and it seems you have limited exposure here, as well as Ameratu, but I truly appreciate both of you and your effort

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Amaterasu, forgive the misspelling

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I propose We stop consenting to the psychopathic legal/governmental system and stand sovereign...

Heart-Driven Economy vs. Greed-Driven Economy (article): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/Heart-Driven-Economy-vs-Greed-Driven-Economy:3

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I agree, yet it still will not stop what is currently happening to humanity, as AI is already dictating.

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And I contend that when enough of Us just quit consenting to being ruled by the psychopathic legal/governmental system, stand sovereign on Ethical ground (MUCH higher than legal ground, which is in the sewer, thwarting Ethics far more than serving them), deal with the system under duress ONLY, be prepared to protect Self and Others from bullies (whether in costumes or not), and work to co-create vastly better...

We will prevail. Defeatism is not My thing. [smile]

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You're kidding. I've been dealing with nano-tech since 06/2017, before anybody was even talking about it. I identified graphene oxide as one of its components before mRNA were released on the public. I identified it by its effects in my body.

I'm one of the few who was calling mRNAs "Death, Murder, Kill & Genocide Shots" in April, 2021, and by August I described the genocide of Jews in Israel as a result of the mandated mRNAs by their Israeli gov't. I called it the Haman 2 Holocaust. Five months later Dr Zev Zelenko in an interview with Alex Jones said about the Israeli gov'ts mRNA mandates, "What Hitler started, the Israeli gov't is finishing."

All before anybody else. You must live in a shallow mud puddle. Now who is out of their depths.

What other predictive assessment would you like to learn about?

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Excuse me? Our team was publishing articles about this conspiracy since September 2019 when Trump signed those insane executive orders moving pandemic response into the pentagon. We covered both Event 201 and the Wuhan Military Games in Ocotber in real time on our website and our YouTube Channel. We studied where the money flowed through the programs that developed SARS, MERS, and the other "outbreak" pathogens, so when the SARS-CoV-2 sequence was released by the Chinese Military in December 2019, we already knew that this was being developed as a global vaccine program. We knew if they managed to fool the globe into taking this vaccine, we'd probably being seeing a global holocaust. I lost several accounts saying SAR-CoV-2, #GasChambersNoLongerRequired. Before anyone knew what was going on, we already had articles explaining what was going on. We were the ones warning everyone. In the end, it is not genocide they want, but neural interface. There will be death becuse they are using proteins that cause warp speed HIV and CAncers, but they won't vaporize us until they harvest us. Anyways, you are so far behind it is comical. You are so hell bent on winning something that i've already won. I have my higher sensibilities and don't respond to static like yours.

Our original website was deleted so I can't share that early stuff, and our twitter acccounts bombed out too. But we have quite a collection of material you are free to use in court, if you think that is a good use of time.



This next one is great, we connected the HIV sequences to Fauci. He owns both HIV patents in SARS-CoV-2.




We proved that IG Farben had been reassembled in Wuhan China, and nobody should be listening to what comes out of there. Of course SARS-CoV-2 didn't exist except in the jab, but now it's a living pathogenic neural interface.



We go back to the beginning of the internet to explain how all of this was possible through fauci's fort detrick.


I've got everything, you babbling troll.



So, shut the hell up about you were there first. You were not.

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Again, I was calling mRNAs "Death, kill, murder and genocide shots" in 04/2021. I was describing nano-tech in Nov, 2017.

You're not telling me what you are doing to win legally. I don't care what you've done. Why is someone as intelligent as you seem to be immune to the need to legally do to the like of George Soros what he is doing to Donald Trump.

I also made the predictive assessment in 2016 that Trump could not be trusted, which also proved to be true. I've made accurate predictive assessments since the mid-90's at least. That was when I started boycotting Disney, 27 years before a couple of million Americans started boycotting Disney.

Until you see the need for the legal and strategic offense, you're not doing yourself any good.

Informing people is not a solution.

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Your plan to end it

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He is taking it to the courts with his brave leader, Lenny Ber. Circus side show.

But I do enjoy his trolling. He wasn't even identifying the shots until April 2021, that's late in the game. Our team studied the sequence in December 2019 provided by Chinese Military, and we stated outright that the sequence was man made, and must never be injected into a human. We stated that there were two HIV inserts that FAuci owned directly, but also two more HIV inserts, sv40, SARS, MERS, Ebola, Dengue, ... 29 glycoproteins, 4000 plus enzymes, 600 plus amino acids, ... At the time, I called it the Rosetta Stone of Pharmaceutical Warfare.

This is a copy of a thread I had put out on Twitter shortly after learning what they had in store. It is a shame I did not know I had to backup everything at that time, since we lost our twitter accounts, website, email, phones, ...


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