S. Would above or in previous post or other frequencies be effective a la dr rife? Also emp clothes any guidance?

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Blushield is millions of oscillating waves, Rife is a select few. Blushield is 24/7, Rife is not.

As for faraday clothes, what we found out surprised us.


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What proof do you have that the blue shield product you’re promoting works? Where is the verified evidence? Third-party testing, reports, etc..

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Massive third party study being written up after two years. We are eager. Stay tuned

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Perhaps I should add my 2 cents. After the v, I felt like a sickle cell person with a lot of fatigue and reduced muscle strength. I reduced my energy output accordingly and noticed that the sparks that happened when Protons strick iron ions in my red blood cells the sparks are weaker somewhat. The red blood cell count remains within normal limits my doctor said but my friend had chest pain radiating down his left arm....all diagnostics came back with in normal limits. However in the rarified air of Quito he did collapse and die the first day he was there. I take iron supplement drops and continue to weaken. I’ll add any info if I see anything else.

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What about schizandra you wrote as well? Could it be some protection? Here in Finland we are totally lost:/ 5G is all over!

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SChizandra is suggested to kill the luciferase. To protect against 5G you need to mitigate with some sort of EMF protection.


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As a poor poet i can’ t reach even basic needs, but thank you for your information and great work that you do!

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My wife and I are artists which is hard, compound that with my obsession to discover the truth the last years has left us heavily in debt. We bought blushield with the last of the credit available on our credit card, which is a two edged sword

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My husband is a poet as well. He was able to keep his job in library but i was kicked out of school where i was teaching (i refused to wear mask etc.) so now i can only write sad lines for 560€/monthly from ”goverment”. Many blessings and warm toughts from cold Finland. You are really doing great job there!

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