It’s almost difficult to comment on this as it’s all been said here. I can say thank you to you Shawn and blessings to you for sharing and spreading this Word. To those who understand, may your path be clear. To those who do not, may light shine upon your path wherever you stand.

You’ve made incredible contributions here on SS regularly Shawn. Many of which are far beyond my grasp without a true commitment to learning material far outside of my experience. This may be your most important share of all. Many thanks.

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The elites don't believe in God. They worship Satan

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Satan is a god too. All Abrahamic gods were manufactured by the Black Nobility to both deceive and comfort the masses.

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Not so. The path to God is not manufactured. The elite use religion to keep the masses in check, but there is the spiritual path they cannot control. It’s about spiritual relationship with our Father God rather than religion, which is a man made construct. That is why the cov. vaxxes are created to remove the God gene, which connects us to God, our Creator.

Satan is a created little god who once had power in the heavenly realm of God’s kingdom. He was at one time good, but then went bad. Due to pride. Lucifer/Satan led a rebellion in the heavenly realm, and tried to become like the Most High God by trying to overthrow Him. Didn’t work. There is only one Creator, the Father, the Most High God, maker of the heavens and the earth.

So Lucifer/ Satan then turned his attention towards mankind, made in the image and likeness of Father God, to try and deceive mankind by getting them to choose to do evil. In other words, sin against God the Father Creator’s laws.

That was his way of trying to get back at Father God.

He is still doing it today. He has his own disciples create poisonous drugs, corupt everything and everyone. He can try. But we can choose not to listen to his lies that are blasted at us 24/7 over the air ways.

Satan is known as the prince of the power of the air.

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Sorry but that is propaganda. The Black Nobility are atheists and nihilists who encourage others to believe in invisible friends and enemies. They are laughing at you.

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Correct. The Hermetic path is a false path. It leads to Satan and not God. It is a delusion. The elite follow this false path. They think they may be following God, but they are following the god of death, Lucifer/Satan. I wouldn’t want to be following a path that leads to destruction. Haven’t we learned enough in these last few years to realise that the elite follow a flawed system that leads ultimately to death?

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“I will not permit the evil senses to control the bodies of those who love me, nor will I allow evil emotions and evil thoughts to enter them. I become as a porter or doorkeeper, and shut out evil, protecting the wise from their own lower nature. But to the wicked, the envious and the covetous, I come not, for such cannot understand the mysteries of Mind; therefore, I am unwelcome. I leave them to the avenging demon that they are making in their own souls, for evil each day increases itself and torments man more sharply, and each evil deed adds to the evil deeds that are gone before until finally evil destroys itself. The punishment of desire is the agony of unfulfillment.”

In 2008 I was blessed beyond my wildest dreams. I had an idyllic home, off-grid on a white granite and black soil ribbon of foothills in the Sierra de Gredos, Spain. I shared my space with fruit trees, roses, grapevines, birds and an assortment of animal friends. I called the place Avalon. I had become Francheska de Avalon and taught English in my own private school in the nearby medieval village. I was loved in that community, even though I was a foreigner.

Spending most of my time tending my land, I meditated almost continuously. In the winters I spent a lot of time without human company and that led to some profound moments of realisation.

On one occasion I had walked to a nearby small natural forest where I had cleared all the dead wood and created a secret haven. I had uncovered a spring which developed into a stream bordered with an astonishing array of wild flowers.

Between the oldest trees was a giant, almost perfectly round, white granite rock and I climbed onto it knowing that it came from England 50,000 years ago, bowled and smoothed by an advancing glacier all the way to central Spain where the ice that carried it melted and deposited it, huge and immovable to be hidden in this fertile pocket of forest for me to stand on and gaze at the gorgeousness around me.

My meditation took me to the presence I now call the Big Universal Boss and I asked an impertinent question because I am known to it as a 'precocious child'.

I asked why BUB could not forgive the evil part of itself and reincorporate all of itself as one.

The forest fell silent. Not a pin drop could have been heard. It was as if time itself had stopped and I felt a surge of rage envelope me but I stood my ground and reiterated my question with defiance, knowing, as I do, that BUB loves me BECAUSE of my precociousness and not in spite of it.

I waited for my answer and it did not come. Eventually, confused, I slid down from the huge rock and went home to my finca in the gathering gloom of the late afternoon to build my customary fire and cook for myself and my dogs.

I was un-nerved by the sense of silence. Every meditation had produced clear concise answers until that day. This time I had no answer at all.

From then on, it was as if the helping and invisible hand in my life had disappeared. Spain suffered a horrible sudden economic crash and the village men lost their work contracts in the various cities. They returned to the village despondent and their families tightened their belts. Paying for extra-curricular activities like English classes quickly became an unaffordable luxury and my small evening school went from fifty students to five in less than one week.

I had no savings and no chance of alternative employment. I was not expecting to sell any fruit until the summer. My friends commented that I was getting too thin and my clothes hung on me, getting old, faded and ragged.

Suddenly the local estate agent came to visit and informed me that a wealthy Madrid family had asked him to let them know if I ever considered selling my green diamond on the foothills of Almanzor. They had spotted it during a recent holiday in the area and had fallen in love with the property.

I almost clutched my land to my soul, in horror! My dogs and I had worked ourselves to exhaustion restoring the place from a brambled chaos to a well watered haven. We had poured blood sweat and tears into creating our forever home..... or so we believed.

The estate agent asked me to think about it.

I was down to the last dregs of credit, bought by my bumper orange harvest. I had no money for fuel for my chainsaw and water pump. Then a series of phone calls revealed that all was not well back in England. My father complained of Rip-Off-Britain and prostate problems. My mother had died in a fire. My ex-husband suspected that he had cancer and my son was stabbed in a street fight in which he fought off three attackers.

"He has had a personality change, Fran!" grumbled my ex-husband when explaining what had happened to our son and I knew that my son's self esteem had taken a huge defeat if he had resorted to living with his father.

Everything seemed to be conspiring to force me to give up my little slice of heaven and return to the grey, cold and broken home I had escaped only five years before. I knew that there was something really important that I would have to learn next in my soul's journey and that 'something' would give me the answer to my unanswered question. I would find out, the hard way, why BUB could not accept evil back into itself......

You can read the rest of this story in my next post where this story has already begun but is, as yet, incomplete.

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Jesus the Christ ( the Christos, meaning the anointed one, who has ALL power and authority given by the Father)

is the only one who claimed to be THE actual Life and THE actual Light.

-“ I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life” He said (John 14:6)

-“ In Him was the life, and the life was the light of men” (John 1:4)

He is the spiritual “door” or gate one should enter to find the path to eternal Life and ascension into the realm of the heavenly kingdom where He and Father God dwell.

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Lucifer was also a "light bearer"? But is he the "Satan" that the Abrahamic Faiths manufactured or just the "light of the morning star"... Venus? The Freemasons were always "Luciferian" yet they honor the Holy birth? And the cosmos?

Question: Which came first Freemasonry or Abrahamic Religions?

Answer: Freemasonry. The ZIONISTS always ruled and had enough wealth to organize/manufacture the Abrahamic Faiths! All of them; Christians, Judaism, Islam were created to appease the masses and control their servitude... as well as to amass fortunes from them! Nice racket... right? The ZIONISTS were the original 12 Bloodlines; not really the first group of humans on earth, but manufactured and self-appointed! Because if you have wealth, you too can be part of the GOD-CULT!

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