Your posts are such a breath of fresh air & confirm my own esoteric musings & research regarding what these fuckers have been up to all these years!

Your advice about the IR glasses... mine arrived yesterday. I ordered the clip on lenses to go over my reading glasses & to clip on over my anti blue light driving glasses. Man what a difference! I can use my phone & computers without squinting all the time... AND the same when I drive. Before the IR lenses arrived I was constantly correcting myself due to unconscious squinting. None at all with the lenses clipped onto my glasses....none!

Whilst driving over to see my daughter & grandchildren today I really noticed the difference... not only was I not squinting constantly, but I noticed that my entire eye area felt ‘Normal’... It felt relaxed, without tension. Something I haven’t experienced for at least 5 years since I was fucked over by the police in that basement overnight. The rest of my body & head still had the pressure & tightness & swelling....but not my eye area covered by the lenses...

It got me thinking... IR . Could the frequencies they are using have infra red in the spectrum as well? This would hit us on all sides just like the frequencies that cause the pains, swelling, tightness across the head & the feeling of your lungs being slowly imploded & your brain squeezed & dehydrated. It would make sense of how my eye area is feeling with the glasses on…

Another thing occurred to me.... for Years I have been dehydrated purposely, as has everyone else without realising it... the frequencies affect the way our systems behave hormonally. They can prevent us noticing that we are thirsty... I realised a few weeks ago that for years I have barely drunk any liquids during the day & rarely feel thirsty. I force myself to drink most of the time. Every now & then I will get so thirsty I can’t stop drinking for a few hours, then it goes back to barely staying hydrated.

I noticed quite some time ago that there is a correlation between water, muscle mass, & the frequency shit being attenuated. I will be posting properly from next week on here so I will go into it in more depth then, but it’s something I wanted to run by you... Swimming on your back highly attenuates the frequency effects & can reverse the body swelling by a couple of inches in just 30 minutes... This must have something to do with almost the entire head area being immersed under water as you swim on your back, because having just your body under the water whilst swimming on your front doesn’t have the same effect.

Also muscle mass attenuates the frequency shit when they are hitting you with pain strikes & also when they are targeting the bladder... Something I have found a lot of women are being subjected to on a daily basis & Always after some sort of surgery or being drugged unconscious. Strong muscle mass can attenuate the effects if you flex the muscles around the area being targeted. I’ve tested this theory hundreds of times & it’s definitely correct.

Water, muscle mass, & proper hydration are definitely inter-linked with deflecting this frequency shit but I don’t have the time or the expertise to look into how the connection fits at the moment & thought this would be more up your street of knowledge?

I’ve noticed that all the people I have met who have been badly targeted for over ten to twenty years with this frequency shit have all become very, very skinny with no muscle mass. Just like the Jews in the concentration camps where this experiment first started... they were starved for this very reason I believe... to test the frequency weapons. Muscle mass, water & proper hydration are obviously a problem!

I’m looking forward to putting together some videos of all our combined efforts next spring when I’ve mastered how to use all the editing software here on campus properly & my coursework load allows!

Thanks for another great piece Shawn... wishing you & yours a fab Christmas. 🌹🇬🇧🎄🦦🪅

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Are drumming circles non-dualistic, as well as attending group gong and singing bowl therapies?

I had an on again, off again relationship with meditation for a period of years, until I realized that I was forcing myself to do it, because it was all the rage. I haven’t meditated for many years as a result.

Also, I have never been drawn to praying, whether individually or with a group. That was something I forced myself to do as well, until I finally stopped doing it altogether. Although, I understand that prayer doesn’t have to be so formal, and it’s enough to just keep it simple. I may be praying without even realizing I am.

I like your simple instructions for individual prayer.

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I think this is a good article. God designed the pineal gland within the human mind, as the part that connects us ( His creation) to Him ( Our Father, Creator) They say the pineal gland is an antenna. It receives messages. Potentially, messages from God. At least that’s why it was placed in our bodies. But if you take hallucinogenic drugs, you could be receiving “messages” from other “sources”. I’ve heard that people who took the jabs felt like they lost their connection to God, as this was one of the components of the jabs-to disconnect us from our Source, our Creator.

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Bernadette Roberts explains the Trinity in terms of consciousness. She also wrote a book the real Christ. It has nothing to do with self attaining higher or Christ consciousness. But it is about non duality[i think} Involves death to self. Annoyed by the 'great awakening" fancy terms and good feelings they r supposed to evoke or inspire.

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