Wow. I believe you just saved my life. I am scheduled for my 1st ever colonoscopy next week and I pulled out my “prep” capsules SUTAB, there it is in the insert!! PEG3350! I’m going to cancel. 🙏not fucking doing it

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My doc is trying to schedule me for my 1st colonoscopy since the recommended age now starts at 45. Funny how it went from 60, to 50, down to 45 within a few years. After reading about the PEG in the prep laxatives here, and the video I just saw a few days ago (dangers of endoscope / colonoscope sterilization - link below), I'm having second thoughts. https://odysee.com/@Dr.M.:3/SBXVfk64Ls5a:d

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Just test for occult blood in stool, that's enough.

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Ask if there’s an alternative.

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Just great. Thank you so much for all of this phenomenal research. I signed up for the graphene newsletter two years ago - it became an obsession for me to look into, as La Quinta was on my radar right away and I've monitored, to my horror, their graphene-dedicated Telegram page ever since. The newsletter is a weekly update that comes to my mailbox. Just watching the industry explode - and reading between the lies, tells you so much. Interestingly, the newsletter itself is from Israel, if that is at all significant. The Graphene Handbook too has some interesting info, once you know how to "translate" it.

Thank you again for an amazing stack!

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How to Thrive in a Graphene Oxide rich world should be the next article, which I hope you will soon post too. I will say, short of Black Goo, crystalline in form it would seem, a way to interact and later to control it would seem if like Xylitol is a sugar alcohol, went from liquid to crystal mysteriously around the world, at different temperatures that would change the way it reacts in You... perhaps?

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Solutions was my first article on Substack. If you deactivate GO in 5G environment, you can detox with distill water.


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I Read it. Thank you. It is a Pity people can not escape the cities and environs that make the impact of these EMFs much worse due to the high power frequency fog that will develop into a major factor as people become immune system compromised. I meant too, more than just the GO, but the whole idea of what a healthy human Being can be, grounding, breathing, taught to optimize the machine occupied by Spirit... as I call it in the Fantasy story of Wibblry, your Wubtron is the Light within the filament that powers up from the differentials in air to Earth, and food for fun, infrared energy, greenery all about, alkaline water in my ponds that flows and charges with life on shore and within, through bentonite clay, ions transfer, you win. How do Wii teach all the humans as kids so that all Sentient Beings can be at peace once again? Most don't believe its a possible thing but somehow, by Thriving, I mean to grow as One again, a World Union of Beings who have a stake in the way this game is played. I believe I have a stake, as many like Mii do, with "I"s that have invested time and energy to build solutions that can now be used. If you have the need, Wii can infuse the ways for people to pursue a life without the toxins true, but how is the question, I keep finding answers too. Youthing is not fantasy, an attitude and what you do to become one with the energies that form the "I" in you. https://tinytexashouses.substack.com/p/unstoppable-determined-unphased-by

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It is also a pity that everything people reach for, whether pharmaceutical or supplement, may decrease inflammation temporarily, but in the end ...


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If it is not natural in truth, there are few exits but that includes serious social distancing. Few will sacrifice the societal bonds, familial, sports, etc, to purify their vessel, or do the work of caring for it to reach a point where little can impact us as Wii reach our maturity and peak if in great condition, 66-78. That is what the bad guys fear, those of us who made it here with a power to See more than most, and no fear of sharing it as the time comes to be our best. I think Salvage, Tx shows this is possible. https://tinytexashouses.substack.com/p/darby-offers-wii-gong-and-proof-youll

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Nannites in preparation for injecting everyone with black goo, which would make us cyborgs, I guess.


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Brand new to your stack (thanks to Pasheen Stonebrooke linking it from her stack). Outstanding research! I'm very impressed...and grateful.

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Even in Vit D supplements! I'm wondering also if they're not putting it in injectable antipsychotics - the sustained release type that last a month or more.

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Shawn my nicotine vape says pe no peg is this true?Also can u so dfm or lbs to prove blueshield is helping?empclothing any advice? Which rife. frequencies help I'm thinking cancer aids anthrax...?

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Sorry, I don't understand the second part. As for your vape pen, I don't know.

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I got an oral medication called Mupirocin ointment & it lists PEG as am ingredient, both PEG 3350 & 400.

Guess where it’s mfd???.....Wait for it.... Israel. Taro Pharmaceuticals

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I just came across this substack, very much in line with mine where I take a tour of the 4 years of research into La Quinta Columna.

Our recent post is precisely about this, about the PEG hydrogel and how some pseudoscientists try to deceive and confuse so that the truth about graphene is never known, with patents on other hydrogels or polymers that have nothing to do with the one introduced in vaccines.

What you say is correct. PEG hydrogel has always been used in medicine to CAMOUFLATE the material they want to introduce and thus not draw the attention of the immune system.

Let's continue the fight!!

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What do you think about it being in lidocaine used by a dermatologist to deaden the skin for removal as biopsy required when a suspicious place is on your skin. My husband has a history of skin cancer and a week ago a large mole-like spot appeared on his skin near his eye. It looks like a puffy, ugly mole and it needs to be investigated. He has an appointment Dec 26 with his dermatologist and I do not believe they will tell me the truth about any anesthesia they use. Any ideas on what I need to do??? Thanks Deb

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What is GQD it stated to take it to get this out of our body

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i didnt know PEG in itself means : graphene oxyde included

i thought it was two separate poisons

so finally its one and the same poison

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Ingredients have ingredients have ingredients...

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PEG is in all the f.. pharmacy ' natural supplements' , creams and in cosmetics

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that of course i dont use !!

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yes .

i ordered homeopathic granules by a high level homeopatic pharmacy

i ordered




i started 12 ays ago.

cant say the result now, but it is scientifically an antidote when made homeopathic at a rather high dilution

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They want GO in the blood so they can control you with 5G

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5G solenoids create magnetic fields. Those fields deliver specific frequencies; most notably 50Hz to power graphene oxide, 900MHz to power luciferase and 30GHz to power clathrin.

System analysis and breakdown:


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A vet of the secret space program named Nusken lived in two future timelines. One was a Project Bluebeam “alien invasion”, in which I suppose the Draco “rescue” humanity. The other timeline (which isn’t going to happen, either) was that Nacht Waffen rounds up the Cabal (so everybody loves NWR) but then abuses its power and injects everyone with nannites (graphene oxide) in preparation for injecting everyone with black goo.


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