Spot on. I strongly believe we can win with God. I have seen the Devine antidote.

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Divine Antidote! Brilliant!

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Spot on, Shawn

We are in a spiritual war on Consciousness and the connection with Divine Source. Exercise free will, no fear, enhance your level of consciousness. Blessings from my heart to yours.

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If you stumble upon articles I wrote in January 2020, the tone was very "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE". What a horrible state of mind. Many times I quit the research and the writing and became a hermit. I am happy I saw it to the end, with some trusted firends, and found the Divine Truth. The process of discovery has given me everything, including your warm blessings.

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same same for me until 5 years ago when I overcame the climate change and health dogma. Some need a harsh landing, some start to wake up slowly and remember who they are. It's all about experiences to learn and enhance your consciousness. One you see, you can't unsee.

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I was born skeptical, and my encounters with "authority" and "healthcare" made everything more and more obvious. What made my experiences "worth it", so to speak, was combining my skepticism and decades of cursory research with the sceintific minds of folks I was working with already on the website. Knowing highly skilled biochemists going into the COVID pandemic was a blessing. I would have never been able to navigate the science on my own, except to distrust it all. I feel as honoured to know the subtleties and nuances of the science as I am to share it.

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Carrying on from our engagement on your previous post, yesterday, I'll offer up this provisional response to the two CIN pieces you linked there. Consider it an experimental attempt to link to your precis some supporting evidence for the "background story" - or "how we got here."

First off, "healthcare" is an interesting term to have employed in conjunction with "authority." Particularly in light of what we now know to have been the real project behind the phony scam - a roll out of the tools of an imposed "sensorship" which were mandated in the name of Public Health by the complicit medias.

When I studied the case of FRANK PLUMMER, it was amazing to see the convergence of the disparate elements of a conspiracy mediated via "public health professionals." He seems to have been basically a 'cut out' - similar to the BARACK HUSEIN OBAMA character - in that he was given a "legacy" and a "handler" to go with it.

A wife and two 'adopted' children, the latter probably totally made up, the former turning out to be a women sent from NZ, with a background in medical adminstration which she rounded out with a stay at the same university as your "speed call consultant." A very specific course of study in what seems to have been a vital prerequisite for the COVID CAPER - training hospital administrators in how to handle their tasks when the flood of infections began to crest(and the involuntary euthanasia programs began!)

He gets an experimental lobotomy - she gets involved in a start up that sells "disruptive" technology to the CCP - aka - surveillance hardware that helps the regime impose total control over the subject populace. They fly off to Kenya, where he gets terminated, and she disappears into the mists. Of course, all of the data I assembled on her has been scrubbed. But suffice to say that this 'command & control' network was a COMMONWEALTH/FIVES EYES one, presumably HQ'd in England, with USA ancilliaries - similar to the way William Stephenson came over and trained "Wild Bill" Donovan et al to set up and operate OSS/proto-CIA>

That said, n done, we can move on to examining the backgroujnd to F Hong and your man Conrad. So much had to happen - and WAS happening - in the period 1970-1990 for them and Vitaliano to get to where they went, yet has remained totally under the radar. To put it concisely - a parallel track to your 'computational' gangs work had to be opened up - the field of "neuroconciousness."

An extremely interesting - and key player - in all which, E ROY JOHN http://webdoc.nyumc.org/nyumc/files/communications/u3/obit.pdf deserves attention as prelude to where we can take this next. Indeed, we can even link it up with your interest in the coming APRIL 8 event, fpr 'added bonus points' in this game of "Connect the Dots!"

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Dr. E. Roy John article was missing, found it on Wayback.

https://web.archive.org/web/20110411143112/http://webdoc.nyumc.org/nyumc/files/communications/u3/obit.pdf Writing up an article now.

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"Connect the Dots? Who are you? Who does "Where WE can take this next" include? I am assuming your NWO buddies holding the remote control?

"An extremely interesting - and key player - in all which, E ROY JOHN http://webdoc.nyumc.org/nyumc/files/communications/u3/obit.pdf deserves attention as prelude to where we can take this next. Indeed, we can even link it up with your interest in the coming APRIL 8 event, for 'added bonus points' in this game of "Connect the Dots!""

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Difficult to know what got up your nose "Rob."

Is there a policy of 'presumed collusion with the Dark Side' here, if something is written that doens't fully accord with the agenda?

Are you a spokesperson for the site op? Otherwise, who Be this "We" that you presume to represent in dissing someone recently arrived to what apparently you consider YOUR sandbox.?

All in all, a classic presentation of the kind of passive/aggro approach employed by those tasked with 'divide n rule' when any signs of legitimate opposition to what you ironically refer to as "NWO buddies" crops up. If you are not an alter ego of the o.p. someone needs to step in here and return the comments section to a place of polite decorum.

State your objections rationally and without rancour to what I wrote or stfu Mr Frag. The site's cred is hangin on it.

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ca fait des mois que plusieurs analyses dont celle du Dr Nagase, qui on l'espère sont honnetes, (microscope electronique )

ont bien precise que pas de ARN m dans les jabs;; pas de substances organiques par contre des tonnes de metaux et particules

ni de 'gain de fonction' dun virus fabriqué àWuhan ou fort Dietrich

ni de virus covid 19 , qui n'a jamais ete isolé (enquete sur 180 agences de sante dans le monde )

comment vous Shawn pouvez affirmer que la grande propagande MSM et medicale mondiale de l'ennemi est VRAIE?

(ARN M ;gain de fonction, virus 'ameliore' en labo)

svp donnez des preuves tangibles

je suis deçue de cet article mais prete a entendre vos arguments

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ca fait des mois que plusieurs analyses dont cellede Dr Nagase, qui on l'espere sont honnetes on t bien precise que pas de ARN m dans les jabs;; pas de substances organiques

ni de 'gain de fonction' dun virus fabriqué àWuhan ou fort Dietrich

ni de virus covid 19 , qui n'a jamais ete isolé (enquete sur 180 agences de sante dans le monde )

comment vous Shawn pouvez affirmer que la grande propagande MSM et medicale mondiale de l'ennemi est VRAIE?

(ARN M ;gain de fonction, virus 'ameliore' en labo)

svp donnez des preuves tangibles

je suis deçue de cet article mais prete a entendre vos arguments

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ca fait des mois que plusieurs analyses dont cellede Dr Nagase, qui on l'espere sont honnetes on t bien precise que pas de ARN m dans les jabs;; pas de substances organiques

ni de 'gain de fonction' dun virus a Wuhan ou for Dietrich

ni de virus , qui na jamais ete isolé (enquete sur 180 agences de sante dans le monde )

comment vous Shawn pouvez affirmer que la grande progande MSM medicale mondiale de l'ennemi est VRAIE?

(ARN M ;gain de fonction, virus 'ameliore' en labo)

svp donnez des preuves tangibles

je suis deçue de cet article mais prete a entendre vos arguments

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No virus, no organic matter. mRNA is generic material, code. Once inside the cell this material forms prions, or exosomes, which have been isolated repeatedly for years. I have numerous articles specifically about that.

Here is one, which we can (tangibly) prove using analysis of the amyloid clots:


Here is another:


Feel free to be disappointed with the article, which is the intro to the thesis, but you should probably reserve judgement until you've read the thesis completely:


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pleas watch Dr Nagase analysys .

i don t say anybody is right or wrong, but il try to know the truth, not from patents but from facts. personnaly i feel these ‘entities ‘ behind all that , that starded with smart dust, chemtrails, morgellons , spider silk rains, decades ago , infesting all he Biosphere:


…are “technological invaders,” of course Darpa and Miltary complex are connected to these entities , they are not just human industry ( the worst, aniway , )

the document Nasa the Future is now 2001 proves its all technolgy and they decided to destroy life long ago and replace with synthetic Biology in everything

no HUMAN even the WORST GENERAL in ARMY or DARPA could wish that for real to destroy all that is natural

its not directly a human agenda

Behind them ( military complex ) is Lucifer agenda,

Nasa jet engines : Jack Parsons was a satanist, a friend of Alistair Crowley and Ron Hubbard

Atomic bomb :Oppenheimer was an occultist satanist too,

they dont have to destroy humanity and nature with m RNA or HIV virus or ‘ covid virus’ , or organic elements , they use Sentient Quantum computer technologies, with Silicons Polyethylene, nylons, titanium, Luciferase, metals, GO of course,r GO , based technologies to get the transhumanist transnatural “cyborg “ slave Transformation of Man and natural Reigns on Earth and connect all life with the hidden Quantum Computer , which is Satan’s property and tool to enslave , they need to change the spin of the electrons and the spin of our Dna. For that, all they need is super advanced technology. ,

plus, any m RNA of any kind natural or not natural CANT survive when put in a human body, even encapsulated in a LNP.

that’s the propagande they are still giving to the world.

i reject it, from all what i have studied for 15 years since i studied chemtrails, morgellons, etc.

Yet the mixing of a human protein( Clathrin ) with GO and Luciferase , its different theory ..and i can agree on that

( The “human chip” is not an electronic nano chip( propaganda fake opposition ) the human is the Chip the ‘ chip” is part biology part technology , part DNA part GO, wich is also demonstrated in the work of Infovacunas on telegram )


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You can agree with Clathrin and luciferase, but say no mRNA? That makes no sense. mRNA is the code required for those proteins to manifest within the cell.

And yes, the "chip" is biological. Made possible by bacteriorhodopsin.

It is clear you have not studied my research. I have addressed all of this over and over.

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im not a scientific im an artist.

my opinions even if false, even if not scientific dont deserve the reply you did, with all the Comptent and rudeness you like to use Shawn,.

tired of the world because its always the same world on Internet ‘ resistance’ we see outside by the perpetrators , a world of rudeness, pride, comptent , fight, conflicts, psychological weapons,

humans are deeply bad, because the soul is lost , and its lost because they lost the Faith

science does ‘nt save the Soul

science was brought by Lucifer

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Oh, don't be so sensitive. I am also not a scientist, I am also an artist. I have recently returned to my passion and it is true I have no patience to talk in circles. I had to ignore my passions for many years to gain understanding in regards to this Transhumanist work.

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its means again that you are insensitive :)

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This lady says quantum dots are formed with heavy metals. WOW. She says Carnicom said so. There is so much confusion here. Mish mashing information, all attributed to Carnicom.

It’s ok to watch stuff like this, but you have to then go and verify the claims. So many inaccuracies.

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No evidence of Chemtrails and morgellons are connected. I suggest an investigation into Clifford Carnicom, more controlled opposition.

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carnicom is also fake opposition ??

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i will read the articles. but for me, there were never a virus, nor from bats nor fromLab putting threat to people.

, all the lab theory of wuhan, fauci, fot dietrick and even” VIH sequences’ in the Covid19 virus “ is another cover up., the most elaborate to hide that ALL IS DONE with TECHNOLOGY and kind BIO TECHNOLOGY SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY ( morgellons was the massive arrival of synthetic biology diseases ). the massive spread of Go and smartdust , aliminium, chemtrails +chemicals was done for years before they activate all this GO and antennas fibers in our bodies with the massive activation of 5G special frequencies world wide then started immediately the ‘ pandemic” .you don t need m RNA to infest people, .with sth

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Morgellons is proto mRNA code, luciferase is mRNA code


I have explained how all of this works, scientifically, it is not my problem you choose to live in some sort of confused psyop state of mind.

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“ Ihave explained how all of this works, scientifically, it is not my problem you choose to live in some sort of confused psyop state of mind. “

Thank you very much for your kind words

i needed that to feel better . in a dark and terrible world


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Yes, you are confused. I am not terrible for saying so. My world is full of light and love, that is why my computer is now permanently turned off and my presence online will soon disappear altogether. I have addressed everything you have said to me, I know it is substantial to read in it’s entirety, you can take it or leave it.

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OK first of all i dont ATTACK YOU ! i just express an opinion and dont say im RIGHT cause I dont have ALL YOUR SCIENCE ! ok?

but the fact you are attacking me PERSONNALY just for a comment from my little exprerience? just for what i try to write?

i dont say that i own the TRUTH i dont say i have the intelligence you have


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