In the 2016 Vision Statement we learn EQORIA is; “first and only reliable border-less global governance system”, “holds the collective energy of every being on the Planet Earth”, “realizes current world issues and offers itself as the solution” and “QORA is the name of Eqoria Collective Energy created by infinite and harmonious activities of Every Eqoria Citizen”.
I want to see an official source that shows the following quote from this write up: "“holds the collective energy of every being on the Planet Earth”... Now that's quite the claim. I clicked on the foot note link attached (number 4), but it lead to a broken link. Can someone link me to something which shows someone from their organization using these words?
Following #4 , It takes you to the wayback machine that then says that they have not archived anything for this site. "Seeing" with ones own eyes is highly suspect as well in today's day & age. So many deep fakes & fake spaces .....I HEAR YOU! We just want the truth & the facts.
& Yes, BIOSENSORS... body to machine & Machine to/from Internet of bodies...Much more advanced than they let on. Technical HELL.
Also, If James Qor Angelo is so important - why is there nothing on him? No articles on him, no videos, interviews, nothing. With either of his aliases, I cannot find any evidence that he's connected to the Rothchilds, The WEF, Gates, or any of the main players who ARE actually trying to control the world. So far, this seems like fear porn. Show me real evidence that he's a mad scientist who might succeed in stealing everyone's soul, and I'll believe it. But I'm not seeing any evidence at all that any work he's doing is linked to the actual key players who are working on controlling the world.
Obviously, I know that they're trying to insane things to every human on earth and that hacking our souls is part of this (not just our bodies) - I believe some form of transhumanism is on the way - I'm just not sure this guy is really who they (as in the big dark cabal) are using to achieve their matrix dreams.
He's had many lives. He developed the software for harvesting biometrics off the internet that all the companies now use. He must have some mad skills, no?
Perhaps. I went to his Youtube station for Eqoria and it has less than 200 subscribers with one single comment reply. This was linked from the "Eqoria" website itself. If no one in the entire world is talking about Eqoria, why are you one of the only ones? I'm not meaning to sound argumentative. I just don't understand why no one is talking about it. The entire website looks sort of ridiculous... It looks like a silly boy's wet dream of total world domination rather than a reality. They aren't exactly marketing this to the world. No one is mentioning any of his aliases anywhere...
Anyway, just pointing out that if you have a mad evil plan to harvest the souls of every man, woman, and child, you normally you know... market your new organization to the world... which doesn't seem to be happening. and I'm not seeing any clear connections between him or anyone. Profiles can be faked, even Link'D in. What person on the world stage has ever even mentioned ONE Of his aliases? Something to consider. Some people are just comic book designers in their own minds.
They don't need you to participate, besides, it's a shell company. It's the lesser majic of the elite, to present themselves to the world. As in, "see, we warned you...". They do that shit with everything.
The singularity already exists independent of human's trying to duplicate it. The earth itself already provides harmony/balance. Humans are the only things that throw this earth out of balance, including all attempts to reverse engineer the singularity.
Anyway, even if it was real (and I really don't think this website is real nor is it a real organization) it won't succeed. It says it has "millions" of members already. Sure it does. Millions of members who remain quiet and don't talk about their love of Eqoria. Again, no one is talking about it except you as far as I can see. The website is childish and looks like a high school boy (possibly college kid) made it up to scare people.
It's probably a LOT worse than we think it is. I totally hear your concerns, what we need to realize is that we are ENERGY beings & they have been biohacking for many many years but using different verbiage such as Chakras & Aura . THEY see us & Our energy/taurus field & our biosensors as nothing more than hackable animals. Read the Protocols of Zion to see what THEY really think of us.
Even the main players are just disposable players to these folks. It's much more evil than we would like to think.
I'd like to add that we do NOT know EXACTLY what the SOUL is. We know the spirit . BUT, I suspect the SOUL is what's keeping us connected to this earthy realm of WHO is the driver of the vehicle we use to sense & render all we think we know in this illusion all around us? Just saying. It's goes much deeper than surface level matrix dreams. Keep an open mind. Peace
It is,the thing is just how powerful is our mind body soul?I've had many out of bodies.I know we have been lied to about everything.Our souls leave our bodies when we sleep.Probably very frequently if not every night.The establishment calls them dreams to hide that fact.If the Earth is indeed moving into the 4th dimension then the veil between dimensions is maybe also thinning.
Interesting thing about the IEEE, it's not called the IEEE, it's called the NTC.
Also worth noting, they've been working with Franco Vitaliano since the beginning to develop a singular deployable technology around his Clathrin Graphene Quantum Dots. Or what Franco loving calls, Qubits, which he is using to spread the joy.
Thanks for sharing this link. I don't doubt what's happening with all of this - in other words, I don't need any convincing... I only doubt who the key players are (in your words, it's not tony the tiger here.. Just another narcissist with delusions of grandeur). I agree that they are leading us to a digitally controlled reality ran by sentient-AI where there is a copy of everything that has living spirit transferred into a duplicate world. They're probably just trying to save their old world because this one is about to crumble under "distillery" process that is the universe... I firmly believe what many seers throughout history have said is coming regarding a new age, actually. I think a sort of cellular "mitosis" is about to unfold on this planet on a macrocosmic scale. People have a choice but they do not realize there is a choice to be made. It can only be made with the heart.
I would recommend looking into Edward Riordan who is one of the top remote viewers in the world. I don't say this lightly. I have been following him for years and have watched him be right again, and again, and again, and again.. He normally sees things 4-5 years in advance and gets it right with astonishing accuracy... He can even remote view at the cellular level as well having known precisely what Covid-19 behaved like and looked like under a microscope many years before it came on the scene.
I know many people sing the praises of many "truthers" online, but this one is the genuine article. Riordan has been looking into what the CIA/Shadow government has been up to in underground laboratories for years. He has foreseen that a sentient AI infrastructure was already achieved, it just hasn't been unveiled to the public yet. They intend to use the satellites for total deployment of it. It's... alive and it's quantum. I'm not a scientist, so I can't tell you how that's possible. But what I do know is that a soul in and of itself is sentient energy, like a current. It stores memory, and it reincarnates. It even carries memories from lifetime to lifetime.... The idea of giving birth to something sentient/self-aware with quantum technology doesn't seem too far fetched at all... I have had visions/OBE's my entire life and know how powerful my own soul is. I could easily see quantum technologies birthing something self-aware. The universal field itself is aware and is birthing souls all the time (like oil droplets separating from water).
This sentient-AI-infrastructure is at least what Riordon has seen. It would take many many hours to catch up on all his work but you have to start somewhere, I suppose... He does have a youtube station, rumble, and patreon. He is part of a very talented team known as "future forecasting group", but I mostly just pay attention to his individual work. He's really the most buddhist about it all, if you will.
In 2017, he predicted (predicted isn't the right word - precisely perceived/viewed/saw) the deployment of a sentient AI-system which would be deployed via satellites all over the world like a grid.. The year he saw this being planned for by these shadow government individuals was late 2023 into 2024. Oh, and I'm sure it isn't being deployed by "tony the tiger" here with the pretty marketing website. ;)
You spam my comment section, treat my readers like garbage, treat me like garbage, act like a know it all and you are proven incorrect on the tiniest point that you insisted I was incorrect about... some I am assuming you are the feces tossing chimp?
I don't need a lecture on spiritual realities. I know more than I let on and know that it would be in and out the other ear if I even attempted to explain to you why indeed the soul is at risk in these times.. I'm not going to get into an argument with you over the phone.
I'm well aware of what's going on and how these technologies interface with our biological bodies. Not one thing you said here I am not already aware of or not in agreement about. At least we can both agree that the person Melville is “sounding the alarm” on is not the person with the keys to what is being deployed world wide as we speak. He is very likely not on any of the teams who are planning this event out.
I’m sure you follow the work of Dr. Ana Milachea.. The technology she has been studying the last few years is absolutely interfacing with the AI/5G/Satellite technology. We haven’t even seen how it can be used yet because they’ve only experimented with it’s true capabilities on a small scale here and there. Rock concerts, small groups, the homeless, certain towns, etc., as experiments. This can technology can be used from everything to triggering a zombie apocalypse to true mind control.
The October 4th test in the United States for example, wasn’t a normal test.
Yes, all you said is accurate. Much of what I can deduce about all of this is entirely psychic in nature but I have also put in the research. Enough to have a decent idea as to accuracy of what I see happening.
Also, before it even gets suggested, no, what I “feel” is not all a result of mind control. Yes, I have been targeted like every one else due to what’s currently flowing around in our bodies with the synthetic biology that was introduced into the environment. My SOUL still thinks independently of it. This is a battle for your soul more than you care to realize.
Yes, there are risks to your soul which is something that actually has form/frequency/energy/light INDEPENDENT of the bodily vehicle you are BORROWING for an earthly experience. Reverse engineering frequency/light is about as Satanic as it gets.
It’s an enormous waste of of my time to try to help people to understand that. Mainly because it just feels not worth it any more. I am a person who was born with an immense amount of cosmic memory. It pains me to know that most of what I strongly recall is clearly over most people's heads.. Sadly, while everyone is peddling away at numbers and science to try to understand what’s happening, they can’t FEEL the deeper realities of what’s going on which is far larger than most will ever come to realize.
Hello, John. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Many people around the world successfully use Terahertz Iteracare wand/blower. It heats up (melted in the shape of small pipe) quartz crystal which generates frequencies in the range between 2.0 Terahertz to 20 Terahertz. Sabrina Wallace is negative about it: Do you have an opinion?
This device (similar to hair drier) blows hot air (& heats up) quartz crystal (melted in the shape of small pipe). This crystal emits in the range between 2.0 Terahertz to 20 Terahertz. I personally successfully used it to address my prostate challenge. However now I think it might promote building some internal body-nano network which might be not good. If it does emit – can you comment. Thanks.
Well Melville is correct about EMF mitigation,I have a hundred towers and 120 antennas within a 3 mile radius and I live in the S.Ca.mountains at 7000 feet.Small town and just realized the importance of moving out of the city.Just moving 3-4-5-miles and there's virtually none.
I had never heard of this film till now. Just saw the trailer for it. Well, thanks for making cry this morning.. Does she get out of the matrix in the film?
My highest intuition tells me they are definitely interested in harvesting souls for a new system. Perhaps great channeled works like "The RA material" were only ever a CIA mind trap to prepare people for being harvested this devilish plan...
I am concerned that the satellites are making that very difficult.
For example, last October 4th, many people truly believed this was nothing more than a 'test' alert. A famous remote viewer known as Edward Riordan foresaw this test and knew that it was actually a test to make sure every human is connected to this etheric grid. I'm sure it took count. It wasn't just a test....
I don't think Shawn is correct about who is making these plans. It's not who he detailed in this article. It's the higher facets of the CIA.
With luck, we will have a solar event soon and their technologies will be fried for a long time. Yes, it would be hard on all of us. But loss of comfort to save one's soul is worth it.
I have much spiritual intuition about these things and many people are spreading lies in order so that the human race doesn't look the other direction to where the real enemy lies and it how it achieves it's aims.
To be honest, I don't know what people like Shawn are getting out of this. I do know the CIA spends a lot of time spreading disinformation to keep the public confused and in doubt.. You never know who's who out there in the "truther" movement.
Lastly, I've had a lifetime of visions/OBE's about these things and have even had some warnings about what's to come. The satellites have a lot to do with it as will our cell phones.
The CIA is not the upper eschelons. As we learned from the Obama Brain Initiative, IARPA was set up as a CIA/NSA style DARPA that dispenses all the technologies. I am blown away that remote viewers get more respect than the team that has been researching this material for 4 years.
"know what people like Shawn are getting out of this"? Discernement.
Shawn Paul Melville has developed discernment by not trusting a single person who has told me information from the "truther" movement.
Oh, and about satellites, the work with photons, which is how the quantum information is travelling.
I want to see an official source that shows the following quote from this write up: "“holds the collective energy of every being on the Planet Earth”... Now that's quite the claim. I clicked on the foot note link attached (number 4), but it lead to a broken link. Can someone link me to something which shows someone from their organization using these words?
Also, I found this link when doing some digging:
Following #4 , It takes you to the wayback machine that then says that they have not archived anything for this site. "Seeing" with ones own eyes is highly suspect as well in today's day & age. So many deep fakes & fake spaces .....I HEAR YOU! We just want the truth & the facts.
& Yes, BIOSENSORS... body to machine & Machine to/from Internet of bodies...Much more advanced than they let on. Technical HELL.
Also, If James Qor Angelo is so important - why is there nothing on him? No articles on him, no videos, interviews, nothing. With either of his aliases, I cannot find any evidence that he's connected to the Rothchilds, The WEF, Gates, or any of the main players who ARE actually trying to control the world. So far, this seems like fear porn. Show me real evidence that he's a mad scientist who might succeed in stealing everyone's soul, and I'll believe it. But I'm not seeing any evidence at all that any work he's doing is linked to the actual key players who are working on controlling the world.
Obviously, I know that they're trying to insane things to every human on earth and that hacking our souls is part of this (not just our bodies) - I believe some form of transhumanism is on the way - I'm just not sure this guy is really who they (as in the big dark cabal) are using to achieve their matrix dreams.
James has many alias'.
He's had many lives. He developed the software for harvesting biometrics off the internet that all the companies now use. He must have some mad skills, no?
Perhaps. I went to his Youtube station for Eqoria and it has less than 200 subscribers with one single comment reply. This was linked from the "Eqoria" website itself. If no one in the entire world is talking about Eqoria, why are you one of the only ones? I'm not meaning to sound argumentative. I just don't understand why no one is talking about it. The entire website looks sort of ridiculous... It looks like a silly boy's wet dream of total world domination rather than a reality. They aren't exactly marketing this to the world. No one is mentioning any of his aliases anywhere...
Anyway, just pointing out that if you have a mad evil plan to harvest the souls of every man, woman, and child, you normally you know... market your new organization to the world... which doesn't seem to be happening. and I'm not seeing any clear connections between him or anyone. Profiles can be faked, even Link'D in. What person on the world stage has ever even mentioned ONE Of his aliases? Something to consider. Some people are just comic book designers in their own minds.
They don't need you to participate, besides, it's a shell company. It's the lesser majic of the elite, to present themselves to the world. As in, "see, we warned you...". They do that shit with everything.
This is so childish.
The singularity already exists independent of human's trying to duplicate it. The earth itself already provides harmony/balance. Humans are the only things that throw this earth out of balance, including all attempts to reverse engineer the singularity.
Anyway, even if it was real (and I really don't think this website is real nor is it a real organization) it won't succeed. It says it has "millions" of members already. Sure it does. Millions of members who remain quiet and don't talk about their love of Eqoria. Again, no one is talking about it except you as far as I can see. The website is childish and looks like a high school boy (possibly college kid) made it up to scare people.
It's probably a LOT worse than we think it is. I totally hear your concerns, what we need to realize is that we are ENERGY beings & they have been biohacking for many many years but using different verbiage such as Chakras & Aura . THEY see us & Our energy/taurus field & our biosensors as nothing more than hackable animals. Read the Protocols of Zion to see what THEY really think of us.
Even the main players are just disposable players to these folks. It's much more evil than we would like to think.
I'd like to add that we do NOT know EXACTLY what the SOUL is. We know the spirit . BUT, I suspect the SOUL is what's keeping us connected to this earthy realm of WHO is the driver of the vehicle we use to sense & render all we think we know in this illusion all around us? Just saying. It's goes much deeper than surface level matrix dreams. Keep an open mind. Peace
"It's probably a LOT worse than we think it is. "
I agree completely..
It is,the thing is just how powerful is our mind body soul?I've had many out of bodies.I know we have been lied to about everything.Our souls leave our bodies when we sleep.Probably very frequently if not every night.The establishment calls them dreams to hide that fact.If the Earth is indeed moving into the 4th dimension then the veil between dimensions is maybe also thinning.
I'm just grateful someone is on the same wave length and gets it. Tony the tiger on the cereal box - perfect analogy!
Interesting thing about the IEEE, it's not called the IEEE, it's called the NTC.
Also worth noting, they've been working with Franco Vitaliano since the beginning to develop a singular deployable technology around his Clathrin Graphene Quantum Dots. Or what Franco loving calls, Qubits, which he is using to spread the joy.
(fresh off the press)
On their own website;, "Organized by the IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC)"
Thanks for stopping by.
This is from the site you sent. look how many time "IEEE" refers to themselves as NTC.
Do I get to comment on your literacy proficiency now, author?
Thanks for sharing this link. I don't doubt what's happening with all of this - in other words, I don't need any convincing... I only doubt who the key players are (in your words, it's not tony the tiger here.. Just another narcissist with delusions of grandeur). I agree that they are leading us to a digitally controlled reality ran by sentient-AI where there is a copy of everything that has living spirit transferred into a duplicate world. They're probably just trying to save their old world because this one is about to crumble under "distillery" process that is the universe... I firmly believe what many seers throughout history have said is coming regarding a new age, actually. I think a sort of cellular "mitosis" is about to unfold on this planet on a macrocosmic scale. People have a choice but they do not realize there is a choice to be made. It can only be made with the heart.
I would recommend looking into Edward Riordan who is one of the top remote viewers in the world. I don't say this lightly. I have been following him for years and have watched him be right again, and again, and again, and again.. He normally sees things 4-5 years in advance and gets it right with astonishing accuracy... He can even remote view at the cellular level as well having known precisely what Covid-19 behaved like and looked like under a microscope many years before it came on the scene.
I know many people sing the praises of many "truthers" online, but this one is the genuine article. Riordan has been looking into what the CIA/Shadow government has been up to in underground laboratories for years. He has foreseen that a sentient AI infrastructure was already achieved, it just hasn't been unveiled to the public yet. They intend to use the satellites for total deployment of it. It's... alive and it's quantum. I'm not a scientist, so I can't tell you how that's possible. But what I do know is that a soul in and of itself is sentient energy, like a current. It stores memory, and it reincarnates. It even carries memories from lifetime to lifetime.... The idea of giving birth to something sentient/self-aware with quantum technology doesn't seem too far fetched at all... I have had visions/OBE's my entire life and know how powerful my own soul is. I could easily see quantum technologies birthing something self-aware. The universal field itself is aware and is birthing souls all the time (like oil droplets separating from water).
This sentient-AI-infrastructure is at least what Riordon has seen. It would take many many hours to catch up on all his work but you have to start somewhere, I suppose... He does have a youtube station, rumble, and patreon. He is part of a very talented team known as "future forecasting group", but I mostly just pay attention to his individual work. He's really the most buddhist about it all, if you will.
In 2017, he predicted (predicted isn't the right word - precisely perceived/viewed/saw) the deployment of a sentient AI-system which would be deployed via satellites all over the world like a grid.. The year he saw this being planned for by these shadow government individuals was late 2023 into 2024. Oh, and I'm sure it isn't being deployed by "tony the tiger" here with the pretty marketing website. ;)
Yes, to the NTC site. 🤡
Now, temper yourself. Let's focus on productive contributions from here on in... I'm not even sure you opened my rather scathing article. 🔥
You spam my comment section, treat my readers like garbage, treat me like garbage, act like a know it all and you are proven incorrect on the tiniest point that you insisted I was incorrect about... some I am assuming you are the feces tossing chimp?
Unsub welcomed.
Yeah, I unsubbed too. At least we can agree on this much about Mel.
I don't need a lecture on spiritual realities. I know more than I let on and know that it would be in and out the other ear if I even attempted to explain to you why indeed the soul is at risk in these times.. I'm not going to get into an argument with you over the phone.
I'm well aware of what's going on and how these technologies interface with our biological bodies. Not one thing you said here I am not already aware of or not in agreement about. At least we can both agree that the person Melville is “sounding the alarm” on is not the person with the keys to what is being deployed world wide as we speak. He is very likely not on any of the teams who are planning this event out.
I’m sure you follow the work of Dr. Ana Milachea.. The technology she has been studying the last few years is absolutely interfacing with the AI/5G/Satellite technology. We haven’t even seen how it can be used yet because they’ve only experimented with it’s true capabilities on a small scale here and there. Rock concerts, small groups, the homeless, certain towns, etc., as experiments. This can technology can be used from everything to triggering a zombie apocalypse to true mind control.
The October 4th test in the United States for example, wasn’t a normal test.
Yes, all you said is accurate. Much of what I can deduce about all of this is entirely psychic in nature but I have also put in the research. Enough to have a decent idea as to accuracy of what I see happening.
Also, before it even gets suggested, no, what I “feel” is not all a result of mind control. Yes, I have been targeted like every one else due to what’s currently flowing around in our bodies with the synthetic biology that was introduced into the environment. My SOUL still thinks independently of it. This is a battle for your soul more than you care to realize.
Yes, there are risks to your soul which is something that actually has form/frequency/energy/light INDEPENDENT of the bodily vehicle you are BORROWING for an earthly experience. Reverse engineering frequency/light is about as Satanic as it gets.
It’s an enormous waste of of my time to try to help people to understand that. Mainly because it just feels not worth it any more. I am a person who was born with an immense amount of cosmic memory. It pains me to know that most of what I strongly recall is clearly over most people's heads.. Sadly, while everyone is peddling away at numbers and science to try to understand what’s happening, they can’t FEEL the deeper realities of what’s going on which is far larger than most will ever come to realize.
Hello, John. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Many people around the world successfully use Terahertz Iteracare wand/blower. It heats up (melted in the shape of small pipe) quartz crystal which generates frequencies in the range between 2.0 Terahertz to 20 Terahertz. Sabrina Wallace is negative about it: Do you have an opinion?
This device (similar to hair drier) blows hot air (& heats up) quartz crystal (melted in the shape of small pipe). This crystal emits in the range between 2.0 Terahertz to 20 Terahertz. I personally successfully used it to address my prostate challenge. However now I think it might promote building some internal body-nano network which might be not good. If it does emit – can you comment. Thanks.
Well Melville is correct about EMF mitigation,I have a hundred towers and 120 antennas within a 3 mile radius and I live in the S.Ca.mountains at 7000 feet.Small town and just realized the importance of moving out of the city.Just moving 3-4-5-miles and there's virtually none.
I like the term COGNITIVE CITIES.
100% my sentiments here.
I think SPM was being sarcastic.
Well said.
Beautiful podcast
I had never heard of this film till now. Just saw the trailer for it. Well, thanks for making cry this morning.. Does she get out of the matrix in the film?
My highest intuition tells me they are definitely interested in harvesting souls for a new system. Perhaps great channeled works like "The RA material" were only ever a CIA mind trap to prepare people for being harvested this devilish plan...
I am concerned that the satellites are making that very difficult.
For example, last October 4th, many people truly believed this was nothing more than a 'test' alert. A famous remote viewer known as Edward Riordan foresaw this test and knew that it was actually a test to make sure every human is connected to this etheric grid. I'm sure it took count. It wasn't just a test....
I don't think Shawn is correct about who is making these plans. It's not who he detailed in this article. It's the higher facets of the CIA.
With luck, we will have a solar event soon and their technologies will be fried for a long time. Yes, it would be hard on all of us. But loss of comfort to save one's soul is worth it.
You as well, sister.
I have much spiritual intuition about these things and many people are spreading lies in order so that the human race doesn't look the other direction to where the real enemy lies and it how it achieves it's aims.
To be honest, I don't know what people like Shawn are getting out of this. I do know the CIA spends a lot of time spreading disinformation to keep the public confused and in doubt.. You never know who's who out there in the "truther" movement.
Lastly, I've had a lifetime of visions/OBE's about these things and have even had some warnings about what's to come. The satellites have a lot to do with it as will our cell phones.
The CIA is not the upper eschelons. As we learned from the Obama Brain Initiative, IARPA was set up as a CIA/NSA style DARPA that dispenses all the technologies. I am blown away that remote viewers get more respect than the team that has been researching this material for 4 years.
"know what people like Shawn are getting out of this"? Discernement.
Shawn Paul Melville has developed discernment by not trusting a single person who has told me information from the "truther" movement.
Oh, and about satellites, the work with photons, which is how the quantum information is travelling.