You will probably laugh and disagree with what I am about to say, but really, all this geoengineering and the concerted effort to destroy humanity thru various high tech means, is about terraforming the earth to make it a habital place for “them”.

By “them” I mean the fallen angelic entities( more commonly known as “aliens” or “extraterrestrials”) ……yes you can start rolling your eyes now. But they are real. And they exist.

This is who the powers that shouldn’t be, worship. These beings dictate to the so called elite- and give them the technology, the poisons etc. to destroy humanity- It’s in their literature.

You are familiar with the NWO, and the controllers of course.

This is the main reason all the elite chumps…and that is what they are, chumps, many of whom are inhabited themselves by these entities, do what they do.

They are working for their overlords.

That doesn’t give them any excuses ,because they’ve sold their souls for the most part, and now are held captive by their overlords to do their bidding, either by being generationally raised in an elite family, or by becoming involved with the elites plans so they can profit.

Personally, this is what I see they want to do to humanity….become just like them. Souless. Devoid of empathy. And controlled.

We as humans weren’t originally created for this. We were created in the image and likeness of God, and to embody His characteristics.

The elite are truly a different species. I could say more, but perhaps if you are openminded, you’ll get the gist. Why else are they so hellbent on destroying us, using us as their whipping boys?

That not normal. That’s INhuman. Because they are NOT human. They just look the part for the convenience of deceiving us.

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Yes, everything that you write is correct. In the elevator speech, there's only so much one can say and they serve their dark lords, the Bene Elohim, the Watchers, the Fallen Ones, the Archons. Most peeps will dismiss what you're saying, it requires thinking. Thinking about one's thinking. Not parroting, but employing higher order reasoning. I appreciate your contribution to the dialogue. I appreciate Sean Paul's insights too. He's trying to break the complexity down into parts and employ deductive reasoning that is helpful also. What you've done is put the parts back in the whole, and its always the big picture that too many miss. That's why they created the modern university with its compartments and silos, and its phony peer review, and the idea that much of the science is science when its more often than not sorcery, black majick.

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Thank you. And I appreciate your open mindedness.

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I 💯 agree with you

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I'm very grateful for the heads up on boron. Your work is valuable.

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“The heads up on boron”

The takeaway is it’s bad for us due to the GQD? Did I understand that right?

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Just to be careful, and trying to simplify, so I can see what affects what, I endeavor to be minimal, but I've got a lot of gear, supplements ect, to teach myself what I can to understand, with every change I make, I watch carefully, so inherent homeostasis and natural coherence is sustained.

Why I recognize there could be a "heads up", I had read somewhere that boron can be caustic and be allergenic, I did remember that detail, but I didn't mark the reference.

Borax is used to wash and treat mold, if we have enough EMF, we're getting ambient and internal molds to scream out and propagate. So it does make sense, that in this soup, we'd "need" it to remedy our EMF mold producing environment, Ole Johanssen tells us about this connection. I prefer to sooth and keep mold quiet, instead of trying to beat them down... our environment makes this necessary. But, there is another explanation, that we are deficient in boron. Our bones need it. I'm wondering a lot these days.

I had a parallel experience with magnesium. It, for me, has always given me a negative result. Shawn is the first to point to this as a problem, I concur, but I hadn't really known why it gives me problems, and I've tried many forms of it, I thought I was the problem. Now, I realize I was right, it wasn't a good thing to add for my own homeostasis.

Sugar, I'm an ardent fan of it, thanks to Dr. Raymond Peat, but, there are many who recoil, so again, Shawn's got my attention.

In the article, aluminum and boron was in the same sentence, so, could there be linked? I took that as a hint to use caution. I'm wondering if it might be an added component that forms the GQD.

Perhaps Shawn will explain what he knows about boron, what the mechanism is. Clues and ques are useful to get our understanding of how to stay healthy, given the frequency element, the energetics we find ourselves in. There is a lot to understand and from what I see, I think Sabrina is seeing there is a problem with thinking in a chemistry way, this is all showing it is beyond what we're used to "knowing". All the lies. But the truth probably has 144 facets. I think we're doing the best we can to understand what's up.

Another thing I think might help us in this. The fact that nature abhors a vacuum. When we go out and mix with others, whose frequency is diminished, those who are healthy and higher voltage (or balanced voltage) will get sucked into a downward flow, energy taken, could it be a magnetic theft? We need to observe, and try to perceive, we're going to witness energy shifts, I think never before witnessed. I'm wondering how to get on, the piloerection is a challenging feat, in Walmart. I'm not confident that I can maintain my naturally shielded yet, trying to utilize the technique.

What has been helpful for me in this period of time is Flannagan's Neurophone. How this works, I'm not sure. It might work to occupy my brain frequency, so the downward flow of my natural biofield stays where it is, maintained. I think of it as my rainbow and the colors of it, the light, by virtue of the environment, can change my prism. I'm sensitive, I've thought of brandishing a tuning pitchfork but, I might get looks, I don't want attention.

I listened to Flannigan when he taught that our future was going to be perilous, he moved his wife out of the US, I don't know her location now. But when Shawn wrote that the Neurophone could be helpful tool, again, he's got my attention.

This is where I am today, I think the mistletoe is of value. Again, I had been pursuing it from a different angle, a UV lamp from Italy. I'll give you an intoductory link, but, the broken English is hard to really understand this scalar discussion, but I am going to experience it to see if it is of value.

https://www.bitchute.com/video/uB37Cszkjp4d/ Tom Cowan and Friends/ the episode 40 demonstrates the lamp box. Again, broken English but pretty interesting to explore, they have courage to bring this forward, to teach what they know. The microbiome part supports the UV-mistletoe feature.

My Christmas will be interesting and enlightening. I hope this finds you in good cheer. Seeing the beauty, that's what we are, we're becoming.

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Yes, Shawn, enlighten us to your thoughts on Boron, please?

I don’t drink it, but I do bathe in it once or twice a week.

If I thought a tuning pitchfork helped me from getting shed upon (I get horrible skin rashes from people that took the bipweapon within the last 7 months) while in a public, I wouldn’t care what people thought of me. Hell, in general, I don’t care what people think of me anyways. 😆

I’m just trying to figure out how to breakdown what I think is one of those fibrous clot/obstructions I believe I have in my finger after being injected with lidocaine for a skin biopsy due to the severity of the rashes I get from the shedders/transmitters. I was reluctant to do it and now regret it. I learned that night from Dr Ana Marie that their putting the nanotechnology in injectable medicines. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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I also have regret for being punctured with poison, I got dental work in the time where I thought it was safe to get anesthetic. In my proactive search, I purchased Aeon (213) and took a round, but I didn't recognize a difference but at the time, I didn't know what to look for in signs and symptoms. There is no progression of anything auspicious. But the systemic phenomena is getting built-up, we are load balancing with one another, and from your reaction to our new environmental exposures, be it high or low, this is real enough to act smart and quickly to find precautious remedy. Recently, I've brainstormed this out, see what you think. I think we've got magnetic plus systemic clearance problems. Both need to be addressed for homeostasis.

The sluggish blood, wise to do the flush, flush, flush, but, it could help to know this key detail. It isn't widely known that they should not drink too much water at one time, and as a result, the serotonin can go wonky or out of balance if you drink more than say, 3oz. at a time, but you can drink every 15 min., the small amount and the therapy I had learned from the Double Helix Company. To date, I don't know they're status, I moved on to the Analemma Wand. They had said that you drink 2-3oz. of clean structured water every 15 min. for a whole day to saturate/hydrate completely and it may have been extended for 2 more days for extreme dehydration cases. I use only distilled water. People add a pinch of salt or minerals, but I don't.

An aside here, I think methylene blue can affect serotonin balance as well, my experience, with respect to serotonin so I'm using a small dose daily, but even that might be too much for me. This is a lesson learned, from my past experience, just to pass along, to be aware of.

This is my latest finding. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZxSjgSezo0

This is Block Therapy and this podcast is good for understanding inflammation. This could be helpful, it utilizes blood flow and breathing plus this mobilization of fascia, breaking adhesion and the benefit of this technique is to flush cells (the smallest unit of our body). Dianna explains, the Block Therapy, I took note when she mentions stagnation, algae growth, toxins. I trust her experience, because the fascia is where the interstitial fluid can get glue-like, so this is where cells can magnetically stick together, they are bound and can't move to detox or oxygenate for respiration, it was usually handled (managed) by aspirin (Dr. Peat had said in the past) or proteolytic enzymes (Dr. William Wong). Right now, for me, they're "out". This is my new "in" and since I don't choose to go the medical route right now, these are things that I think make sense, but everyone needs to decide for themselves.

But to free this fascia up, especially the joints where lymph rich tissue is, and also very concentrated in the gut, it might be a solution to get our bodies out of stress and symptoms we've ignored or minimized, that can be small but effective ways to change our milieu to renew so we can maintain our health.

Read about DMSO, there is a doctor's handbook that can be found, very interesting. The radiation part seems encouraging as this is degrading our bodies, this is a lot of our present challenge. I'm now not sure to take proteolytic enzymes, as I'm pretty sure you've heard about, because it is fungal derived, and the same with Sodium Citrate, that's fungal derived as well, but the DMSO seems like a good way to break down adhesive waste. I read that people have recovered from stroke, that seems like a need for hydration and then DMSO might be complimentary to doing detox. I try to evaluate the risk versus benefit. The-DMSO-Handbook-for-Doctors.pdf, gives a lot of information on it that makes this viable, and I've used it with no negative reactions.

Also, a salt and soda bath, Dr. Hazel Purcells discovered in the 50's. My dad was a dentist, I was his assistant at a very young age. I stood behind the wall directly in line of where the X-Ray cone was pointed, thanks dad! The remedy for radiation was or is 1lb of each, to mobilize toxins and circulation. Most importantly, it was found to be effective to quench radiation. So it is said. Also, I think the Borax added to your bath is a good idea as well. I've been aware that Tony P. uses it for radiation. But do your own research, you seem to be wise enough to know what is your best bet, but to save yourself some bad results in the long run, be prudent.

You're right about not being self-conscious taking a tuning-pitchfork in, you first, then tell me how it went, I'll be curious. Just kidding... but serious, what's a person supposed to do about these unprecedented assaults and the invasion of our body part, they've breached our privacy, robbed us of our coherence. I digress.

A classic way to get the liver to dump sludge is to do a distilled water enema, I had always added a dash of salt, and the benefit is to support lymphatics to function better, our natural wastebasket, a flushing could help clean up the quality of your lymph. Here is something I just now remembered. https://www.bitchute.com/video/adZdAhhVk2Oc/ Did you see this one from FM8? The tech is involved, no doubt, my opinion. Watch the handling of that phone.

I encourage you to keep your sights upwards to the most wonderful outcome you've ever imagined possible, and do what your intuition tells you to do to notify your whole divine body that there is richness in this experience, even though it might not appear that way just now, and you aren't alone. We had to face up to tell truth, finally. Have a glorious day.

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Dec 22, 2023
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Armed how? So trump’s a villain?

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