Hi Shawn what is your point on the so called flesh eating bacteria in Japan

i found this

Flesh eating bacteria Japan????

c'est du a une bacterie rare dans les eaux impropres et les coquillages crus

BACTERIA NAME : Vibrio vulnificus

il ya eu des cas en 2017 au Japon, en 2020 aux USA

les patients IMMUNODEPRIMES sont plus a risque ( suivez mon regard )

"People can become infected with the bacteria in two ways: By consuming contaminated seafood, or by having an open wound that comes into direct contact with seawater that contains the bacteria.

People are more likely to develop an infection if they have a weakened immune system, particularly from chronic liver disease, the CDC said.

To prevent infection with V. vulnificus, the CDC recommends that people with open wounds avoid contact with salt or brackish water

Particularly at risk are persons who have chronic liver disease, kidney disease or a weakened immune system.

The infection is rare – only about 100 to 200 cases are reported in the U.S. each year, according to Cleveland Clinic. If you get it from eating raw shellfish (usually oysters), it takes only a few hours for it to spread from your gut to your blood and other organs."


https://naturalnews.com/2020-02-24-flesh-eating-bacte.. (en 2020)

la question a propos les triples injectes est une affirmation ; ils vont de ci de là n'ayant plus aucun systeme immunitaire vaillant

la question 2 etant : la bacterie etait telle deja en charge en attente dans les NPL des 'injections

et declenchable en liberant plus tard la charge par des frequences specifiques?

sinon ca peut etre aussi les consequences d'une drogue tres toxique en vogue a LA :

"La xylazine, une « drogue zombie » carnivore, connue sous son nom de rue « tranq », a désormais saturé les rues de Los Angeles ." Mai 2023


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Thanks please some quick questions. 1 Ceylon cinnamon or must it be cinnamon cassia for luciferase as harveyi patent says. 2 AC vinegar for GO? 3 Is light reduction by increments or in totality?

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deletedMar 23
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