Clathrin.... Am I right in thinking that this facilitates them making a copy of your entire neural pathway structural system... in essence a copy of ‘you’, that they can then computer generate to remotely control all your bodily functions?

If I am right about this it would explain an awful lot about how we are all controlled by them, both physically & mentally. Body functions, hormone functions & levels, brain function & reactions, desires, fears, interests, appetites, senses, sight, aural, dream states, diseases & their symptoms....

It would explain how people can display symptoms of illness & diseases & then be diagnosed with & medicated for those afflictions & yet if the regular prescription for that medication is withheld or delayed (which several people I have interviewed have experienced repeatedly) there is no onset of illness, hospitalisation or death... Diabetes insulin & glucose prescriptions being one of those instances.....

It would appear they have found a way to re-creat the human in computer format so that we can be fully controlled both physically & mentally.

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You've got it about right, I would just add that they are completely replacing our natural neurons with their clathrin GQD neurons. And while it is novel to think they'll make copies of us for their matrix, I think even that is a pipe dream. I think we are only being networked for the processing power to achieve THEIR Quantum future. If we survive, we'll be nothing more than remote operated biological androids.

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It explains the content of the conversations I’ve heard over the last 5 years... Military, Police, Government official & Medicals...all discussing different aspects of the ‘program’ & what they are capable of doing & how... I will send an email about it when Imhave enough time over the holster.

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I imagine they could have clones already there, built off of our internet content, waiting for the harvest.

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I'm blown away. I had been contemplating, though out the evening and into the morning, how we as a collective could get to this point, seemingly to the point of no return. Your cue here gives me my direction. I'm grateful. Much thinking to reverse, and fast, like a quantum jump.

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